Wednesday, May 20, 2015

California's Sonoma valley

About an hour north of San Francisco, Sonoma valley is Sonoma County’s most concentrated wine-growing area with more than 100 wineries and a stunning range of varietals. With five American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) stretching across 20 miles of diverse soils and microclimates, it means it is possible to sip a dry rosé at a picnic table near the winemaker’s home, taste a zinfandel while seated next to the vats in a production warehouse, sample chardonnay from barrels in an ageing cave, or compare library pinots during a private tasting. While Sonoma and the villages of Glen Ellen and Kenwood are sophisticated when it comes to wine and food, they still exude small-town warmth and hospitality. And that’s not just the wine talking: in 2013 Sonoma was

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